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What is a Temperature Forcing System about Dragon

What is a Temperature Forcing System about Dragon

February 27, 2025

We have cooperated with the German company - Froilabo and brought in the dragon because it can control the temperature like the dragon in the fantasy story. Dragon, A high-precision temperature forcing system that can rapidly heat and cool samples to determine their durability and resistance against precise thermal environments.


In this blog discover what a temperature forcing system is, and how our Dragon can help you by providing precise thermal testing for a wide variety of applications.


Temperature forcing test equipment


Key points:


  • A temperature forcing system is used to test a samples resilience and durability under different temperature conditions.
  • Thermal testing is crucial to ensure products are safe to use and meet required safety standards and regulations.
  • A temperature forcing system is suitable for a wide variety of applications, which includes heating electronic components, electronic characterization, and performing climatic simulations.
  • Dragon is the perfect solution for all your thermal testing needs, and features high performance and accuracy at all steps of analysis.


What is a temperature forcing system?

A temperature forcing system is used to evaluate a samples performance under different temperature conditions. By subjecting samples to rapid temperature changes, you can test them for their resilience and durability.


These systems are crucial for several reasons:


  • Improve safety: By subjecting devices to rapid temperature changes, you can ensure they meet your required safety standards and regulations.
  • Efficient product development: By testing different components early in the design and development phase, you can identify any potential issues early and rectify it quickly.
  • Assess reliability and performance: By testing your samples performance you can ensure your devices can withstand extreme temperatures.


How does a temperature forcing system work?

A temperature forcing system works by using a direct temperature-controlled stream of hot or cold air to provide a precise thermal environment for your samples. The Dragon provides a temperature range from -70oC to +250oC, to ensure sample function and viability at a wide range of temperatures.


Scientist using Dragon


Do I need a temperature forcing system?

Anyone who requires precise thermal testing would benefit from a temperature forcing system, and with Dragon it couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is create a method and Dragon does the rest.


In many industries, it’s essential to characterize and verify product performance when subjected to temperature variations. Dragon provides the perfect solution – our versatile and stable thermal unit is perfect for a wide range of applications.


Applications of the Dragon include:


  • Heating electronic components
  • Heating printed circuit boards
  • Performing climatic simulations
  • Electronic characterization
  • Temperature cycling and targeted freezing applications


Discover the Dragon, the one stop solution for all your thermal testing needs:


  • Excellent temperature stability: Delivering precision at every step of your testing, with a temperature range from -70oC to +250o
  • Rapid temperature changes: Our Dragon effortlessly shifts from -55oC to +125oC in a matter of seconds (something even the mystical dragon can’t yet achieve)
  • Digital connections: Connect your computer to your Dragon for simple method creation and run monitoring.
  • Easy manoeuvring: It can still move with ease using the guide handle and 4 wheels to easily transport to your desired location.
  • Adaptable to your needs: Our versatile product contains an adjustable airflow between 2.2 l/sec and 8.4 l/sec and three different working methods – manual, automatic and programmable.
  • Compliance at every step: Dragon has been tested in accordance to and complies with the European norm in force: EN60068-3-11.


Learn more about the dragon by visiting our dedicated Dragon product page.

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