In many outdoor environments, materials can be exposed to humidity for up to 12 hours a day. Research shows that the main factor causing this outdoor humidity is dew, rather than rainwater. The Accelerated Aging Test chamber simulates the outdoor humid erosion through its unique condensation function. During the condensation cycle of the test, the water in the reservoir at the bottom of the test chamber is heated to generate hot steam, which fills the entire test chamber. The hot steam maintains the relative humidity in the test chamber at 100% and keeps a relatively high temperature. The sample is fixed on the side wall of the test chamber, so that the test surface of the sample is exposed to the ambient air inside the test chamber. The outer side of the sample is exposed to the natural environment, which has a cooling effect, resulting in a temperature difference between the inner and outer surfaces of the sample. This temperature difference leads to the continuous generation of condensed liquid water on the test surface of the sample throughout the condensation cycle.
Since the exposure time to humidity during outdoor exposure can be as long as more than ten hours a day, a typical condensation cycle generally lasts for several hours. The Accelerated Aging Tester provides two methods for simulating humidity. The most widely used method is the condensation method, which is the best way to simulate outdoor humid erosion. All Accelerated Aging Tester models can run the condensation cycle. Because some application conditions also require the use of water spray to achieve the actual effect, some models can run both the condensation cycle and the water spray cycle.
For certain applications, water spray can better simulate the final usage environmental conditions. Water spray is very effective in simulating the thermal shock or mechanical erosion caused by sudden temperature changes and the scouring of rainwater. Under certain actual application conditions, for example, in the sunlight, when the accumulated heat dissipates rapidly due to a sudden shower, the temperature of the material will change sharply, resulting in thermal shock, which is a test for many materials. The water spray of the chamber can simulate thermal shock and/or stress corrosion. The spray system has 12 nozzles, with 6 nozzles on each side of the test chamber. The spray system can run for a few minutes and then be turned off. This short period of water spraying can quickly cool the sample, creating the conditions for thermal shock.
IEC 61646 Test Standard for Thin-film Solar Photoelectric Modules
Through the diagnostic measurement, electrical measurement, irradiation test, environmental test, mechanical test five types of test and inspection mode, confirm the design confirmation and form approval requirements of thin film solar energy, and confirm that the module can operate in the general climate environment required by the specification for a long time.
IEC 61646-10.1 Visual inspection procedure
Objective: To check for any visual defects in the module.
Performance at STC under IEC 61646-10.2 Standard test conditions
Objective: Using natural light or A class simulator, under standard test conditions (battery temperature: 25±2℃, irradiance: 1000wm^-2, standard solar spectrum irradiation distribution in accordance with IEC891), test the electrical performance of the module with load change.
IEC 61646-10.3 Insulation test
Objective: To test whether there is good insulation between the current carrying parts and the frame of the module
IEC 61646-10.4 Measurement of temperature coefficients
Objective: To test the current temperature coefficient and voltage temperature coefficient in the module test. The temperature coefficient measured is valid only for the irradiation used in the test. For linear modules, it is valid within ±30% of this irradiation. This procedure is in addition to IEC891, which specifies the measurement of these coefficients from individual cells in a representative batch. The temperature coefficient of the thin-film solar cell module depends on the heat treatment process of the module involved. When the temperature coefficient is involved, the conditions of the thermal test and the irradiation results of the process should be indicated.
IEC 61646-10.5 Measurement of nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT)
Objective: To test the NOCT of the module
IEC 61646-10.6 Performance at NOCT
Objective: When the nominal operating battery temperature and irradiance are 800Wm^-2, under the standard solar spectrum irradiance distribution condition, the electrical performance of the module varies with the load.
IEC 61646-10.7 Performance at low irradiance
Objective: To determine the electrical performance of modules under load under natural light or A class A simulator at 25℃ and 200Wm^-2(measured with appropriate reference cell).
IEC 61646-10.8 Outdoor exposure Testing
Objective: To make an unknown assessment of the resistance of the module to exposure to outdoor conditions and to show any effects of degradation that could not be detected by the experiment or test.
IEC 61646-10.9 Hot spot test
Objective: To determine the ability of the module to withstand thermal effects, such as packaging material aging, battery cracking, internal connection failure, local shading or stained edges can cause such defects.
IEC 61646-10.10 UV test (UV test)
Objective: To confirm the ability of the module to withstand ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the new UV test is described in IEC1345, and if necessary, the module should be exposed to light before performing this test.
IEC61646-10.11 Thermal cycling Test (Thermal cycling)
Objective: To confirm the ability of the module to resist thermal inhomogeneity, fatigue and other stresses due to repeated temperature changes. The module should be annealed before receiving this test. [Pre-I-V test] refers to the test after annealing, be careful not to expose the module to light before the final I-V test.
Test requirements:
a. Instruments to monitor the electrical continuity within each module throughout the test process
b. Monitor the insulation integrity between one of the recessed ends of each module and the frame or support frame
c. Record module temperature throughout the test and monitor any open circuit or ground failure that may occur (no intermittent open circuit or ground failure during the test).
d.The insulation resistance shall meet the same requirements as the initial measurement
IEC 61646-10.12 Humidity freeze cycle test
Purpose: To test the module's resistance to the influence of the subsequent sub-zero temperature under high temperature and humidity, this is not a thermal shock test, before receiving the test, the module should be annealed and subjected to a thermal cycle test, [[Pre-I-V test] refers to the thermal cycle after the test, be careful not to expose the module to light before the final I-V test.
Test requirements:
a. Instruments to monitor the electrical continuity within each module throughout the test process
b. Monitor the insulation integrity between one of the recessed ends of each module and the frame or support frame
c. Record module temperature throughout the test and monitor any open circuit or ground failure that may occur (no intermittent open circuit or ground failure during the test).
d. The insulation resistance shall meet the same requirements as the initial measurement
IEC 61646-10.13 Damp heat Test (Damp heat)
Objective: To test the ability of the module to resist long-term infiltration of moisture
Test requirements: The insulation resistance shall meet the same requirements as the initial measurement
IEC 61646-10.14 Robustness of terminations
Objective: To determine whether the attachment between the lead end and the lead end to the module body can withstand the force during normal installation and operation.
IEC 61646-10.15 Twist Test
Objective: To detect possible problems caused by module installation on an imperfect structure
IEC 61646-10.16 Mechanical load test
Purpose: The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of the module to withstand wind, snow, ice, or static loads
IEC 61646-10.17 Hail test
Objective: To verify the impact resistance of the module to hail
IEC 61646-10.18 Light soaking Test
Objective: To stabilize the electrical properties of thin film modules by simulating solar irradiation
IEC 61646-10.19 Annealing Tests (Annealing)
Objective: The film module is annealed before the verification test. If not annealed, the heating during the subsequent test procedure may mask the attenuation caused by other causes.
IEC 61646-10.20 Wet leakage current Test
Purpose: To evaluate the insulation of the module under wet operating conditions and to verify that moisture from rain, fog, dew or melting snow does not enter the live parts of the module circuit, which may cause corrosion, ground failure or safety hazards.